CSR Activity Report (CSR Guideline Activity Reports) - Ethics and Compliance

Antitrust Compliance and Corruption/Bribery Prevention

1. Compliance with Antitrust Laws

The Toray Group Ethics & Compliance Code of Conduct, revised in June 2022, stipulates the rules that all Toray Group executives and employees must follow regarding antitrust laws. Educational materials on antitrust laws have also been prepared in Japanese and English for all group employees. The Group has an Antitrust Law Compliance Program that is utilized by departments in Japan, along with Antitrust Law Red Cards that can be carried as a guide by employees.
In fiscal 2022, there were no legal actions taken against Toray Group due to anticompetitive activities, antitrust actions, or monopolistic practices.

2. Corruption and Bribery Prevention

In January 2020, the Group issued Anti-Bribery Regulations to clearly prohibit corrupt relationships with public officials and business partners. Approval and reporting rules were also established concerning the provision (or receiving) of money and other items to (from) public officials and business partners. Similar rules have been implemented at group companies worldwide.
The Ethics & Compliance Code of Conduct stipulates the guidelines that all Toray Group executives and employees must follow to avoid involvement in corruption and bribery. Guidelines and educational materials on related corruption and bribery prevention have also been prepared in Japanese and English for all Group employees and shared throughout the Group.
In March 2020, Toray Industries, Inc. conducted e-learning on the anti-bribery guidelines for all executives and employees, including contracted, part-time and dispatched workers, with 6,849 people taking the training. Group companies in Japan use similar teaching materials to provide education. In fiscal 2022, there were no legal actions taken against Toray Group due to corruption and bribery prevention.

Click here for the main initiatives for CSR Guideline 2, “Ethics and Compliance” in CSR Roadmap 2022.