- Sustainability
- Toray Group Corporate Social Responsibility
Toray Group Corporate Social Responsibility
Toray Group strategically practices social responsibility guided by its three-year CSR Roadmap, aiming to achieve sustainable growth while helping to build a more sustainable world.
Report from the Chief CSR Officer
Shigeki TaniguchiSenior Vice President,
Chief CSR Officer,
Toray Industries, Inc.
As Chief CSR Officer, I will make every effort to further CSR initiatives and assure appropriate information disclosure, aiming to ensure the sustainable development of Toray Group and society as a whole.
Toray Group has from its founding in 1926 lived up to the management principle of contributing to society through business operations. The Group positions CSR efforts as one of its highest management priorities and implements its management strategies and CSR initiatives in an integrated manner, striving both to ensure the sustainable development of the Group and to help build a sustainable world.
Toray Group’s CSR Guidelines, our guiding principles for delivering on our social responsibilities, lay out such broad themes as: ethics and compliance; safety, accident prevention, and environmental preservation; human rights promotion and human resources development; and establishing a sustainable supply chain. Moreover, to promote CSR in a planned way, we have established a three-year medium-term CSR Roadmap. This lays out specific goals and main initiatives, as well as KPIs to measure progress for each individual guideline, taking into account the Group’s CSR material issues. Currently, we are working together as a united group to implement initiatives under the CSR Roadmap 2025 (Fiscal 2023-Fiscal 2025).
We compile and annually disclose information on CSR activities in accordance with each theme of the CSR Guidelines, complying with relevant international standards, such as those of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). Additionally, in accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), we have issued the Toray Group TCFD Report Ver. 2.1, which quantitatively analyzes the opportunities and risks related to climate change. The Group also endorses the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and is recognized as a TNFD Early Adopter. We are making efforts to disclose information in accordance with the TNFD recommendations.
We will continue to actively promote these initiatives and do our utmost for the sustainable development of both Toray Group and society as a whole.
CSR Activity Report (CSR Guideline Activity Reports)For more information
- 1 Corporate Governance
- 2 Ethics and Compliance
- 3 Safety, Accident Prevention, and Environmental Preservation
- 4 Product Quality and Safety
- 5 Risk Management
- 6 Communication
- 7 Contributing Solutions to Social Issues through Business Activities
- 8 Human Rights Promotion and Human Resources Development
- 9 Establishing Sustainable Supply Chain
- 10 Social Contribution Activities as a Good Corporate Citizen
2 Ethics and Compliance
- Establishing a Corporate Culture of Total Respect for Ethics and Compliance
- Ensuring Tax Compliance
- Improving Security Trade Controls
- Antitrust Compliance and Corruption/Bribery Prevention
- Protection of Personal Information
- Ethics and Compliance for Research Involving Human Biological Subjects and Information
- Disclosure of Information Regarding the Ethical Treatment of Laboratory Animals
3 Safety, Accident Prevention, and Environmental Preservation
- Occupational Safety and Accident Prevention Activities
- Conserving Energy and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Chemical Management
- Initiatives to Prevent Air and Water Pollution
- Initiatives for Managing Water Resources
- Initiatives to Reduce Waste
- Environmental Risk Management
- Environmental Accounting
- Biodiversity Initiatives
- Environmental Impact Overview
- Chemical Substance Emissions and Transfer Data
- Sites with ISO 14001 Certification
- Environmental Data for Toray Industries and Principal Group Companies
- Third-Party Assurance